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President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj and the Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel Hold a Press Briefing

2015-03-04 14:59:59

President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj who is paying a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, and Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel held a meeting, following which the Excellencies hosted the press for briefing.

Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel: , I learned that one percent of the Mongolian population speaks German language. This is an excellent bridge for our bilateral relations. I am pleased to welcome Mongolia as the Official Partner Country for ITB-2015, and its President Ms. Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj to open the ITB.

In 2011 Germany and Mongolia concluded an Agreement of Bilateral Cooperation in the Mineral Sector. Within the confines of the Agreement, a profile technological school was established in Mongolia. Our two parties need to make greater efforts to implement the agreed objectives of the Agreement. Germany-Mongolia bilateral relations are very special. We do enjoy active political relations, however our economic cooperation has remained relatively slow. Over the past period, we failed to implement our joint economic project to the level we wished.

President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj: Mongolia views Germany as its main partner in Europe. I am very happy for the fact that Mongolia was chosen as a Partner Country for ITB-2015, the world’s largest tourism fair. I am also very glad that Chancellor Angela Merkel and I had a wonderful opportunity to meet and discuss our bilateral relations and cooperation and exchange views on issues of regional character. Madame Chancellor visited Mongolia in 2011. We visited Germany in 2012. Mongolia endeavors to expand her relations and cooperation with Germany in every field. I wish to reassure that Mongolia shall work actively to implement the agreed goals and objectives of our bilateral relations. I am indeed very happy about this chance to meet with all of you here.

Question by a Mongolian journalist: You have mentioned that the two countries are yet to achieve active economic cooperation, especially in the minerals sector. Mongolia has huge mineral resources. Mongolia is interested in supplying Germany and Europe with mineral resources, such as rare earths etc. What, do you think, is needed at policy level in order to shorten the physical distance between the two countries?

Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel: We need to cross three roads first. First, for infrastructure projects, the sources for initial investments need to be established. We do encounter financial problems with projects we have agreed on. Second, in order to extract minerals, necessary infrastructure needs to be put in place. The deposits of interest are located in remote provinces. Third, Mongolia has two big neighbors. They have their own positions and versions of development of roads and transportation infrastructure in Mongolia. So if one wants to speak to Mongolia, it will have to speak to the two neighbors as well.

President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj: We must most scrupulously implement our Agreement of Cooperation in the Minerals Sector. Further on, Mongolia is proposing Germany to study the possibilities for establishing an economic cooperation agreement as Mongolia wishes to develop a comprehensive economic cooperation with Germany. If our two parties establish such an agreement and manage to have it ratified by parliament, it will create a splendid environment for promoting extensive bilateral relations. I do believe that we do have much room for cooperation on this front. Railroads are our main transportation infrastructure. Mongolia and Russia hold a joint investment of 50% each in Mongolian railroads. We have started constructing new railroads as well. During the visit of the President of the PRC to Mongolia last fall, our two governments signed an excellent agreement on transit transport through the territory of China. The agreement indicated the routes, the ports and the level and scope of concrete soft conditions that China accords to Mongolian transit transport. A similar agreement can be established with the RF as well.

Question: The two countries do not have any major infrastructure connections except for the direct flight operated by Mongolia. Infrastructure is indeed the basis for other types of relations. How does Germany view the possibilities for participation in expanding infrastructure cooperation?

Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel: The airline companies of our countries maintain relations in the civil aviation. Germany will work to support and expand these relations.

President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj: Mongolia is a landlocked country, therefore, air transportation is vital for our development. Mongolia pursues greater connectivity with Europe. Our country can serve as a land and air hub located between Russia and China. We are now building a new airport. Mongolia will be extremely pleased to start-up any joint project in this field with Germany.

Mongolia held her first democratic election in July 1990. This year marks the 25th anniversary of establishment of a democratic government in Mongolia. Mongolia strives to be a role model in our region for human rights, rule of law, openness and transparency. Our two neighbors have always reaffirmed their respect for the choice of the Mongolians. Mongolians never doubt in the rightness of the choice they made 25 years ago. Mongolia will work to further consolidate our choice. We are grateful to Germany for its support and assistance, and for sustained cooperation with Mongolia.

President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj and the Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany Angela Merkel Hold a Press Briefing  
Үзсэн: 1948 Mongolian National Broadcaster  

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