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Standing committee on security and foreign polivy reports Standing committee on security and foreign polivy reports

2015-03-03 09:09:53

The parliamentary Standing committee on security and foreign policy has reported about its works done within the 2014 autumn session of parliament.

The report was given last Friday by J.Enkhbayar, head of the Standing committee; and S.Oyun MP. In the period of the autumn session, the Standing committee on security and foreign policy met 17 times, discussing and tackling 13 bills, 11 draft resolutions of parliament and 11 issues of consulting international contracts and agreements. Moreover, specific decisions were made after discussing 40 issues including presentations from working groups, plans and reports, J.Enkhbayar said.
The Standing committee issued 33 conclusions and proposals and 23 draft proposals to principally-different matters. The sub-committee on special control at the Standing committee met three times, discussing and resolving six issues, J.Enkhbayar said.
Within the autumn session, the Standing committee discussed and had the session adopt draft amendments to resolutions on establishing the diplomatic relations with Uganda, Rwanda, Micronesia, Haiti, Kiribati, Equatorial Guinea, Chad and Mauritius, and on approving a state policy on exploitation of radioactive minerals and nuclear energy; and 12 draft resolutions of parliament on appointing and freeing members of the government, J.Enkhbayar said.    

Standing committee on security and foreign polivy reports Standing committee on security and foreign polivy reports   
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